Acupuncture is a complementary medicine which involves inserting fine needles into the body at certain points. This is done to manipulate the flow energy along the energy channels, also known as meridians, within the body produce a healing response.
Each acupuncture point has a specific action when stimulated. Acupuncture enhances blood circulation, nervous system circulation, and the release of anti-inflammatory and pain relieving hormones.
Dr Arpana Bhagwan has been trained in traditional Chinese acupuncture, and Western Acupuncture and chronic pain management, for small animals. It is vital that a professional veterinary assessment is made for correct treatment.
Holistic treatment provides a natural form of calm and relaxation. Many animals fall sound asleep during treatment enjoying all the benefits of healing
Family treatment in the company of their brother and sisters encourage a sense of calm and tranquility
Owners, their animals find solace in each others company during general consultations and treatment